Ok I am sure you are all growing tired of my claims that I will blog everyday and I will visit your blogs everyday and that I will just stop being such a slacker. So this time, I will not say that. I will just blog and then be on my way to catch up on all of you:)
While we are on the topic of my sucky blogging, my friend Carly over at
and I have decided to challenge each other on this whole blogging daily thing. I have a feeling she may come out on top on this one. So to keep us blogging at least once daily we thought some sort of incentive is needed. If any of you have any ideas please shoot them our way. We need all the help we can get:)
When I got on the bus yesterday morning there was a young 20 something male sitting at the very front of the bus (you know the seats that are "priority seating") looking all cool in his jeans that are 10 times to big for him and his hat that is 10 times too big for him. As the bus continued down the rode and continued to fill up he kept sitting there looking like the cool guy he is. All this time he is taking up two seats, perhaps he had to because his pants were so freaking big they needed a seat all for themselves. Finally we get to another stop and THREE elderly people get on the bus. Nevermind the fact that nobody up front moved for them but HE continued to sit in those TWO seats like he didn't have a care in the world while Enid, Mabel and Cecil tried to hold on for dear life. I just don't get it, maybe it is the simple fact I live in Boston and most people here are just rude and don't give a crap about anyone else. I just thought everyone had the common knowledge and courtesy to know when its time to give up your seat and when it's not.
Dear short lady on your cell phone with boiling coffee in your hand trying to balance yourself as the bus lurches to and fro while you continue to talk on your cell phone. IF YOU SPILL THAT HOT COFFEE ON ME I will be very very very upset. It's not a surfing nor a balance contest so SIT DOWN!!
She didn't spill the coffee on me, but she came close at least 3 times. What is wrong with people?
15 years ago
You really encoutner the dregs of society when riding public transit, don't you? How frustrating.
I guess you saw that I posted about our challenge today, looking for some ideas, but I haven't come up with any yet. Nobody's biting so far. We'll come up with something...
What's with the people you ride the bus with? At least you get some interesting stories. I guess you should just move back home. ;)
But, the question is...was it a starbucks coffee?!
That story just makes me sad...Young people just aren't taught to respect anyone, much less their elders, these days. Too bad.
Young people do not have any respect. It has been lost somewhere.
I am with Kirst, move back.
Oh and although you sure see some interesting folks while out abd about, MUST you take transit?
I swore of it years ago. Sheesh-it's just not good for you.
Tammy - no it was Dunkin Donuts. ha
Lori - why drive when you can take the bus for MUCH MUCH cheaper than insurance and GAS....oh the cost of gas. Also in cities like Boston and New York City etc most people use the bus and subway, it is so much easier to get around and quicker too.
Also sorry guys but I wont be moving back to Canada anytime in the near future:)
Oh, I would ride the bus with the hot coffee lady if it meant I could stop paying car insurance and car payments. I can't imagine the amount of money we would save each year.
See public transportation freaks me out.
My mom keeps wanting me back in Canada too. I am happy here in Oregon and can't imagine being anywhere else right now either.
PS. But you still have to move back to Seattle so we can see each other more!
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