Aside from losing, Chris and I had a good time. We had never been to TD Banknorth Garden before and it has been a while since we have been to any NHL game. When we arrived at the arena we went to guest services to see if we could be put in some more accessible seats so I didn't have to make my way up and down any stairs with my crutches, or have to worry about people banging into my foot coming in and out of the aisle. They put us in the "wheelchair accessible" area right near where our original seats were. It worked out perfect, they just gave us a couple folding chairs and we had all the room in the world.
When we got home it started to snow (something that hasn't happened much this year) and so Chris went outside to take some pictures. He took some pics of the fresh flakes landing on our back porch and they turned out amazing. The clarity and detail of the flakes blew my mind. It was supposed to snow like crazy but it has turned into more of a rainy slushy mess outside.

I used to make a really big deal about Valentine's day but not anymore. It didn't seem like it was appreciated. I never even used to get a card in return. I know that is probably a bad attitude but after years of putting so much effort into it and not having anything done for me, it sucks. It doesn't even have to be on the day. Anyway I could go on forever. I don't want to take over your blog.
Those snow flakes are awesome. So cool!
As a Boston fan living in Edmonton, I found the score very much to my liking! :)
Wow, those snowflakes look incredible. Good thinking on getting the camera!
Happy Valentine's Day!
PHENOMINAL photos!!!!!
Glad you had a good valentine's day!
Sounds like it was a good night, even though our Oilers got kicked in the nats. Glad you and Chris were able to take in the game, not another one in Boston for 3 years unless they change the schedual.
Cool snowflakes.
By the way, cool pics on your picture site, go check it out if you have time...
wow, those flakes are amazing. It's amazing how much detail God puts into the little things that bring him glory & help us worship him in his creation! So intricate & beautiful!
As for the Outback - I'm so jealous that's my fav restaurant!! The only one I saw on the West coast was about 2 hours South in Washington - definately not worth the drive! I'm surprised vancouver doesn't have one. Oh well hope you had fun! And remember - one blomin onion is the equivalent of 36 big macs (little tip from my boss at the one in edmonton)
Hi, guys. Andrea was bragging about your snowflakes so I just had to look. Wow - they are beautiful!
I had to laugh, too, when I scrolled down and saw your ankle. And then, one of your comments, "if you look closely . . .". But I'm sure we all did! Glad to hear you're okay - Diana
OH MY GOSH!! Those pictures are amazing! Seriously! Thanks for sharing them. I hope that your V-day was wonderful!
Cool snoflake pics...I like the first one.
Okay are those real flakes because if so that is really cool! I have never seen flakes so in detail. Awsome picture!
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