For some reason Belle is VERY scared of our heaters. The one that seems to give her the most problems is the one in the kitchen. She is certain to give it a dirty look every time she walks by it. Sometimes when we throw her ball down the hall into the kitchen we will accidentally knock the cover off the heater. Now that just gets her all bent out of shape and she won't go anywhere near it. So the other night when this happened we encouraged her to go get her ball. We decided to take some pictures of her in action.

The infamous heater and her ball

Belle approaching with caution

The first attempt

Belle goes in for the kill

After failed attempt Belle decides to just wait and see if the ball will move itself

Frustration sets in, Belle gives up and sits and waits for us to retrieve her ball for her
Thats so funny!!!
Poor Belle! That mean, old heater!
Belle is suffering from kitchen-heater-phobia.
I bet she has nightmares about it.
Haha! Dayna was telling me that her daughter Gabrielle is like that with the vacuum cleaner. She was terrified of it for the longest time and then one day she decided enough was enough. She marched up to the vacuum, after it was already unplugged, and put her hands on her hips and started talking to it (in baby talk). Dayna said that it was like she was saying "I'm not scared of you!"
Ha ha! Poor Belle. Its like the Dustbuster and our cats. They will see us even walk towards that part of the house to retrieve it and they are off running. Once I left it in the middle of the floor to see what they would do and they cautiously, very slowly walked toward it until some tiny noise made them jump about ten feet in the air and scamper off!!
LOL....poor Belle!! Did she ever get the ball?
That's great!
*giggles* You're so mean Mommy & Daddy. How could you?
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