Yes I am still alive. There was no death by dental torture thank God. Actually it was a rather quick appointment. Once he took a look in my mouth he explained to me that when you have teeth extracted that the gums shrink around the socket and sometimes pieces of the socket get sharp and break themselves off. So basically he said it is better to see if they work their way out in the next couple of weeks. He said if not to c0me back and it will take him just a couple of minutes to numb me and pull them out. Can't be any worse than having 3 teeth extracted in a matter of 4 weeks.
I walk a dog for friends of ours during the week. They are super busy and wanted some extra loving for their dog Maggie. Anyways sometimes Chris comes with me depending on his work schedule. Today we headed over there right after my dental appointment and since Chris wasn't working today we brought Belle as well. Chris brought it to my attention afterwards that he didn't want to come in the first place because walking Maggie was my job. Well excuse me....LOL. I thought the fact he wasn't working today it was a great chance to have a nice walk together with our dog as well and enjoy the beautiful sunny day. He also pointed out to me that walking is stupid and that it does him no good. Funny I thought considering people can't stress enough that walking is great exercise. He also pointed out that drinking water is useless. LOL. I dunno....I guess he is anti healthy today. To each their own I suppose, he will be sorry when I am running a gazzilion miles every morning and he can't keep up with me.
15 years ago
Yes, you may not feel the effects of walking and drinking water at first. But after you minimize your diet and drink water and walk around your neighborhood for about 2 weeks, you will definately notice it. I gained weight when I first moved here and within 2 months I had lost 17 pounds. If I can do it, anyone can. You just have to stay motivated! I have felt crappy since I got pregnant because that weight is coming back on, so we have decided to start going to the gym again. At least I won't have as much to lose after the baby is here in September this way.
Chris...If it's nice out - Go OUT and enjoy the day with your wife!!! (Was that a good lecture Yvonne?)
You go girl!
And I am TOTALLY with you on the dentist.....hate, hate, hate going@
I'm glad things went okay. Hopefully you won't have to go back!!
Oh... Oh.... Mike and I have that same darn discussion!!! I keep saying I'd like to go on family walks for exercise... he tells me that it isn't exercise and that he would rather get exercise going to the gym or something... I keep saying ..."well you don't do that either so isn't this better than nothing?" Somehow he justifies it in his crazy mind! Bav... again..two bloody peas in a pod! Oh... and I LOVE the dentist!! I am a 'dentist pet' - you know what I mean! I love having nice clean teeth!
I don't prefer the dentist but I sure like the end result.
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