Chris and I went to the Laundromat tonight which usually is hopping with excitement. Tonight though I am sorry to say was not. So we had to resort to entertaining ourselves while our clothes washed and dried. And just for all of you....We took pictures. NOW NOW....All you dirty birds out there get your minds outta the gutter.
Oh boy.... you guys crack me right up!! You were entertaining all the people laughing at you from across the street! LOL!!!
Good times you guys have!!!!!
Seriously scary! Have you nothing better to do? LOL :)
Okay, did you like GO IN the dryer to get that picture??!!! You guys are too much! Love it! What's life worth if you can't laugh and have some ridiculous fun! I'd rather make my own entertainment than just sit around staring at the wall, ya know?!?! Good times!
HA ha ha ... How fun!
*giggles* It looks like your pooping in the dryer lol Too funny!
Bwahhh! You guys are a riot!
I laughed so hard when I saw the pictures. The one of you in the cart reminds me of one of the old episodes of FRIENDS when Rachel and Ross are doing laundry. Oh goodness - maybe a baby IS just what you guys need right now. (Although it might take away from your own play time):)
You should write a story on "The adventures of doing the laundry"!!
Too much time on your hands. Looks like you had fun.
LOL...you guys are too funny!!
You two are soooo cute!! I don't think that I could ever get my DH to go to a laundry mat with me!! Ok, so seriously, you guys need to write some sort of "Laundry Mat Memoirs"!! I know it would sell.
What exactly are you guys doing????
At least you weren't bored. Fun, cute pics!!
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