So last night wa

s movie Tuesday. Having this 5 dollar Tuesdays has been so awesome. I am not sure how long they will continue to do it, my hope is that it is a permanent thing. Before we started doing this we hadn't been to a movie in theatres in months. It is just too darn expensive nowadays, even matinees. Last night we went to see Inside Man with Denzel Washington. I was pretty sure I would like this movie because I love Denzel. I was definitely not disappointed. It was one of those movies that makes you have to actually think and pay attention. So far we are 3 for 3 in seeing good movies since we started going each week. Fun times.
I am so excited spring is here. Yesterday was so beautiful out and so far today is turning out to be the same. I am looking forward to start planting again this year. Hopefully the things that didn't grow last year will be better this year.
For those of you who may have noticed that I have just recently added your links in my sidebar I am sorry it took me so long, I just kept forgetting. If you don't see yourself over there let me know so I can add you, I may have left it off and not realized.
Happy Wednesday!!
That is the movie we went to see on Sunday but then the crazy atm ordeal happend (see post from Sunday). Perhaps we will catch it on video though.
I saw some highschoolers playing baseball a few days ago. I thought "Man, they wouldn't be out there so soon if this were Alberta or Newfoundland." I agree with you - I am so excited about the weather these days. We grow wine grapes in our backyard, but I want to start replanting some new flowers too. Some already bloomed a few weeks ago!
So... Inside man.... would Lenore get it?? She loves the action movies like Cellular, Firewall, Flightplan...... would this movie be appropriate or is it too political? I notice unlike the others this one is rated R... Why?? I don't care as much about the ratings as I do the content.
We are movie lovers too, all four of us. My daughter gets Netflix movies and I am always recording movies on the DVR. My hubby loves to watch movies in order to just relax, and my son loves comedies and war movies and scary movies.
That movie does look really good! Hey! Where's that Alias ticker we talked about! Ha!
We haven't been to the movies forever, I don't even know about this movie. I am going to have to check it out.
I am honored to be a part of your side bar. :) :)
I just noticed the post before me talking about Alias. Have you guys been watching it?! WE LOVED it! I love Jennifer Gardner. I am bummed that it is ending.
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