Well first I must say that I got my Christmas snow that I wanted, it was just a day late. We woke up to snow this morning and then it really started snowing about 4 pm today and has been snowing ever since. I would say we have about 7 inches right now and it is supposed to snow pretty heavy all through the night. It is cold out, but SO pretty..I love it.
Christmas was wonderful. Christmas eve Chris and I went to church, which was nice. Then we just came home and had some dinner and watched some Christmas movies on tv. Most notably we watched A Christmas Story...for those of you who have not seen it I highly recommend you go out and watch it, it's great. Christmas morning we got up around 8 to open presents. We got all sorts of stuff, it was wonderful. My main present from Chris was a leather purse from Lane Bryant and I got Chris a wool coat from Old Navy. We got the usual...cd's, movies, books, gift cards and stuff. My sister in law Sue made me a fleece scarf with matching gloves and a touque, they are so soft. Anyways after breakfast we decided to drive out to the very tip of Cape Cod to a place called Provincetown. It was a very nice drive. We decided to drive out to the Cape Cod National Seashore and go down on the beach. We went for a nice long walk with Belle. It was cooooold, but we had a great time. There was lots of people out walking their dogs and stuff. We headed home around 4 and when we got home I cooked my very first turkey dinner. YUM, it was so good. I was very proud of myself. Other than that we just relaxed the rest of our night,watched some movies and stuff. We definitely missed being with our families this year, but we had a wonderful first Christmas together. Spending it just the two of us made it extra special, it was nice.
Today we decided to head out and spend the gift cards we got. Chris received a 50 dollar home depot card from his boss, so we went there and got a new toaster, electric can opener and a new coffee pot. Then we headed to Old Navy with the gift cards Dave and Sue had gotten us. So that was fun, I got some new jeans, a couple of shirts and a fleece and Chris pretty much the same thing.
All in all we had a wonderful Christmas, we received wonderful gifts from our families and they too loved the gifts they received from us. This Christmas was a special one for Chris and I, and the snow we got today was the icing on the cake. Although Chris has shoveled twice this evening already and you can't even tell. ha! Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Christmas and I wish you all an even better 2005.
15 years ago
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