Losing weight really must be one of the toughest challenges in life. It is so frustrating, one week you do great and lose 5 pounds, then the next week nothing. You are constantly surrounded by so much crap, whether that be fast food, or just plain old junk food. It is everywhere you go. And it sucks.
I get discouraged very easily when it comes to this and get that feeling that I cannot do it. And it drives me nuts that I get this way. I guess mainly I get like this because it frustrates me so much I need to lose weight in the first place. I was never fat growing up, in fact all my life up until a few years ago I was in great shape and weighed 130 pounds. But then I just ate too much crap and didn't exercise the way I should have been and here I am. I know I can lose the weight I want, it is all about will power and making the right choices. Like for example, when I reach for a pop I need to stop myself and reach for some water. Or when I feel like snacking I reach for some fresh veggies instead of the chips. There is a million things you need to change in order to really lose weight, I have changed a lot of things but sometimes I don't think it is enough. The past few months I have lost weight, but it is far from where I want to be 3 or 4 months from now.
I guess the way I like to think of it is that since we moved out to MA and it will be a while since we will see so many family and friends, I am bound and determined to reach my goal so much that they won't recognize the new me. What a wonderful thought that I will have lost so much weight they will have to take a double look to know it's me.
Anyways that is my ramblings for today. I was sitting here drinking a slimfast shake for breakfast and so came the thoughts of weightloss.
15 years ago
You are a Floyd at heart, we are stubborn and determined clan... You will reach your goal in time, one day at a time...
I am with you on this, good luck...
Love your big bro,
Yvonne...you can do it. I know you can. P.S. Glad to have found your site after all this time!
If lazy ol' me can do it, so can you! One day at a time I know you can. You have so much determination!
Yeah, you listen to her, if LAZY old her can do it so can you...
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