So I really cannot believe that it is Christmas in two days, that is just insane. This last year has flown by, it is crazy. And never mind it is going to be my birthday in just a few weeks.
I am very much like a little kid when it comes to Christmas, I always have been and I imagine that I always will be. Everyday I am eager to check the mail to see if we got any Christmas cards, and yesterday I spent most of my day looking for the UPS man who was delivering a package from Dave and Sue all the way from Edmonton. So yes, ALL DAY I checked the tracking on the parcel and I kept going outside to see if UPS had come yet. FINALLY at around 3 pm or something like that, I went out to check the mail and there it was on the front step. I was so excited and immediately brought it in and opened it up to put the presents under the tree. Now inside this package among the gifts were two Bob the Builder stockings that Sue had made for us. Inside these stockings I could feel that there were more goodies inside. I wanted so bad to peek inside, but before I could my wonderful brother called and threatened to kick my butt if I looked in them before Christmas morning. haha! So ever since yesterday they have been hanging and I have been resisting. There is only two days left, so I am certain I can do it. haha!
So that brings me to today where we are expecting another package from UPS, this time from Chris's family back in Seattle. So again I will be so excited all day, checking the mail and looking for the UPS man. And my luck he won't come till the very end of the day.
Oh and one more thing, the other day we went to the grocery store and I got my very first ginger bread house. Again I was very excited and when we got home I could not wait to build it. It was fun and it looks smashing for a first timer;)
Merry Christmas!!!
15 years ago
You are lucky... And you better not open anything untill Christmas or i will kick you butt...
I have not yet caught up to everyone else in this world and have yet to purchase a digital camera. But I promise that as soon as the pics are developed I will post one:)
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