We spent most of Saturday at Ben and Hannah's. It was their little boy Asher's first birthday party. It was a fun time, and he is one of the cutest kids. We headed out from their place pretty early in the evening and before we knew it we were finally almost in Boston. We arrived at the Richarde's house (the people we stayed with until we found our own place) in the early evening and were so happy that we did not have to wake up the next morning to drive.
Driving 3000 miles is very tiring and very tedious. But it was a wonderful experience and I would do it again. We saw so many things and went so many places we had never been. Some of the bigger cities we traveled through were....
Denver, Colorado
Kansas City, Kansas/Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri
Indianapolis, Indiana
Columbus, Ohio
New York, New York
So there you have it to the best of my memory. We did have an actual journal we were keeping on the road, but we have lost it so I am sure there is a good chance I have forgotten some things here.
The family we stayed with while we looked for a place were absolutely wonderful. We had a great time getting to know them, they really are just awesome people.
We were there with them for about 3 weeks until we found our own place. We live in a basement suite in Boston, the area of the city we live in is called Hyde Park.
Things have been great. When we first decided to move we weren't sure how things were going to work out. But things have really fallen into place for us and we love it and are so happy. God has provided in everyway imaginable since we have been here, and we are so blessed to have this new opportunity in our lives. If you asked either one of us 2 years ago if we thought we would be settling in Boston we would have laughed. But you never know what God has in store for you.
15 years ago
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