You should see my wife. About a week ago, she decided (as she called it, an "executive decision") to get the Boston Globe delivered daily to our house. Which is fine with me, I really don't mind either way. I am basically your typical guy when it comes to the newspaper--I mainly just read the sports section. But anyways, all of the sudden she turned into this quasi-super hero: Coupon Girl! ( I could go another way with this and call her a 60-year old smoker lady with 15 cats that only has coupons to look forward to in her life......but let's stick with the super hero theme. Mainly so she doesn't kill me.)
Coupon Girl's favorite day is obviously Sunday, as that is the day the Globe has all the new weekly coupons! She spends a couple of hours clipping and giggling at the deals she finds. It is quite cute to see it in person. So now, whenever we go anywhere, she's gotta grab her coupons--just in case. Because hey--you just never know when they will come in handy. Ladies Speed Stick deodorant 2-for-1? Heck yeah! Plastic hangers 8-for-$1? Score! Even stuff we wouldn't normally buy, like say for instance, a pack of 16 crayons....if we got a coupon for it, it's ours! (They were 2-for-$1.) Now this is not to say that coupons are stupid, because they do save you money, and sometimes they can be very useful on important items. Now, my wife--oops, sorry--Coupon Girl is not there yet, but she's getting closer to having a little envelope for them and having them all organized, but for now, they are just all piled up, waiting to be used.
I hope that she does eventually get them organized, and we use them wisely. I am starting to realize that food coupons are the most valuable, especially when Coupon Girl doesn't want to cook and I am designated as the food-picker-upper. Subway 2-for-1 tonite, honey? Money.
15 years ago
My husband speaks the truth. I am Coupon Girl;)
"You're so money and you don't even know it."
You may be married to Coupon Girl but I'm married to Coupon Woman.
I have the envelope and I NEVER leave home without it. There are other ways of getting coupons too you know.
I don't like your other it requires me to fill out contests and surveys and in the end getting 6 bazzilion junk emails a day! lol
Coupon Girl, huu???
Big Bro in edm...
Yes coupons are WONDERFUL!
Oh and by the way, just so you all know...we DID have subway for dinner that night. 2 Footlongs for 7.34. Works for me!
evey, I always tell my kids that if I can save some money on one thing, that just leaves more money for something else. Last Saturday I went grocery shopping at Krogers and bought $ 119.00 worth of groceries, by the time I finished with my coupons, I only paid $ 69.00. I saved money on almost everything I got. It is well worth the work I put into my coupon clipping. I have a "coupon Box" for all my grocery coupons. All other coupons go into a special pocket in my purse. Have fun girl!
coupons are the BEST. And come in handy so much.
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