For those of you who missed #5, please scroll down and find the post titled "Evey's Greatest Brain Farts."
It's true, I have my moments, more often than I would like sometimes. It's really not that I am stupid. It's more the fact that sometimes I just don't think things through all the way before I open my big mouth.
So again Chris was testing me on US geography and this time he was asking me state capitals. I am cruising along naming capitals when he asks me the capital of Arizona. I don't know why but I drew a total blank. I was so stumped, for the life of me I could not think of it. So he starts throwing out all sorts of hints and still I am not picking up on it. Finally I start asking him "what does it start with" and stuff. So he tells me P. I pause to think and I ask him what the next letter is and he says H. Anyways this continued all the way to the letter I. Yes that's right he had spelled out to me P-H-O-E-N-I.......and STILL I could NOT for the life of me tell him what the capital of Arizona was. The thing is, I NEW it, but I think by that point I was obviously delirious and over thinking it way to much that I just couldn't get it. Finally Chris was like "PHOENIX, ITS FREAKING PHOENIX" LOL. Immediately I could not believe my complete state of retardation and then just laughed and laughed for a long time till my stomach hurt.
Stay tuned for the top 3 coming soon.
15 years ago
Long o song e rong.
lol. Now now, was the nice:P
Oh Yvonne! You silly girl!
I hate when that kind of stuff happens! But at least it makes for good blogging material!
You have always been kinda like this!!! I can tell many stories of your dumbness...LOL!!!
Big Bro in Edm...
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