I cannot believe I totally forgot to write about the funniest thing that happened at the beach the other day. So we had JUST got there, like not even two minutes. Chris sat down on the blanket, leaned back and then immediately got CRAPPED on by a Seagull! HAHAHAHA! It was SO funny. Big old poop mark on his shirt.
On another note the NHL released the upcoming seasons schedule yesterday. Now if you know Chris and I you know how devoted we are to our hockey teams. A reminder incase you all forget Chris is an Avalanche fan and me an Oilers fan. It always happens we play each other a lot during the season cause we are in the same division, well this year we play each other more often cause they are really focusing on divisional matchups. And wouldn't you know it, October 5th which is opening night....Colorado is AT Edmonton. WOOHOOOO! Should be an interesting night at out house. Someone will be going to bed pissed off! LOL
15 years ago
Poop is always funny! I got pooped on once when I was a kid and got totally made fun of by everyone. Poor Chris, but HA HA HA that is funny! At least it was on his shirt and not on his head or something.
Luckily, Hub and I both like the same hockey team (Devils). But a few years ago when the Yankees (my team) and the Mets (his team) played in the World Series, we didn't talk for DAYS. Its that serious.
Where ARE you today? No blogging?
I would have laughed at him getting pooped on. lol Funny. Too bad it wasn't on his head...then you could call him "poophead."
LOL....that would have been much funnier wouldnt it! ha
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