Chris and I have lived in Boston for 9 1/2 months now and for some strange reason I have never really been downtown. I don't know why, a lot of might be the fact that Chris works down there and he doesn't really want to come home and then go downtown. Lately we have been going to different Starbucks everytime we go and we go often. So last night we decided to go to one right downtown in Faneuil Hall. It was kinda cool, I have never been down there, but it was night and I would like to really go back in the daytime. Anyways check out the website its pretty cool.
So we were on the way home from downtown and we decided we wanted some ice cream, the only thing that was open was the Wendy's drive through. I decided I wanted to try one of those Fix ’n Mix Frosty things. So I order the butterfinger one and when we get up to the window she hands me this cup thingie and a package of crumbled butterfinger bits. Well what the heck, I didn't see anywhere on the menu where it said "YOU Fix 'n Mix Your Own Frosty". And nevermind the fact that there isn't enough room in this stupid little cup they give you to Fix 'n Mix anything. Needless to say I was irritated and had to wait till I got home so I could mix this stupid thing in a bowl. And by that time it was all melted...booooooo!!!!
15 years ago
They are too cheap to buy the mixer machine. I would say boooo too!
I know, we couldnt understand why they wouldnt do it for you. Retarded!
I love Faneuil Hall! Downtown Boston is fun, but I wouldn't want to live there! :)
I wouldnt want to live Downtown either;) I like being far away yet close enough to the city!
Evey, How far out in the burbs do you live? If you order that again from Wendy's I would request that they mix it for you. If they don't then you can frequent another establishment and I would tell them so.
Well the lame thing is that everything in Boston and area seems to close super early especially on the weekdays. And there is like ONE Wendy's on this whole side of the city. But yeah, it was pretty retarded, Chris said next time we go back he is going to ask why they don't mix them. It only makes sense. I mean, most places that serve things like that are smart enough to purchase the mixer as well!
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