Before I continue on with our trip recap I need to take a second to say GO SEAHAWKS! We played the New York Giants yesterday. By the time halftime rolled around we had a 35-3 lead. In the 3rd quarter we had another touchdown making the score 42-3. Once we hit the 4th quarter our defense seemed to let go a little and the Giants scored 27 points. It made me a little nervous but we held on and won the game 42-30. All that matters is that we are now 3-0 on the season. GO HAWKS!!
Back to our trip....Sept 12 was our 2 year wedding anniversary. We didn't plan anything special since we are going to New York City in October as kind of a late anniversary thing. When I went upstairs to get my coffee in the morning my mother in law Linda arrived home with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me. How sweet!
This was definitely another relax at home day. We did have plans that evening for dinner at Chris' other aunt and Uncle's, Aileen and Bill. Linda and I went to the grocery store to find some desert for dinner and we scored with a yummy cheescake and fresh strawberries. YUM! We headed to Bill and Aileens around 6 pm and had a wonderful dinner and visit. We also got to see the new house they are building down the street from where they currently live. I can't wait to see when it is all finished.
Wednesday morning we went to Shari's for breakfast with Andrea which was followed by some shopping. Wednesday afternoon Chris and I were excited to be able to the Mariner's game. Yes I know we sucked this year but it was still exciting for Chris and I to be able to go to Safeco Field and see our own team play even though we lost 10-0 to the Blue Jays! We had a fun time though walking around the stadium, taking lots of pictures and eating garlic fries.
After the game we went over to Bryan and Andrea's. We ordered pizza and hung out and of course played with Smudge the cat. Uncle Chris had a great time out in the backyard with the boys.
As usual blogger won't post my pics so I will post them through Hello below this post. I highly suggest for those of you having the same problems to check out Hello, it is a great little program.
15 years ago
Yes, I will check out "hello"! Blogger frustrates me!
What is "hello"? I so don't know very much about what is out there.
Sounds like you guys had a great time while you were away. I'm glad you had fun.
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