The whole reason we went to Seattle in the first place was to attend Jen and Ryan's wedding. Chris met Jen almost 5 years ago when he started working at the Starbucks call center in Seattle. They both worked the 4 am shift and sat next to each other for almost 2 years. Naturally they became friends as did her and I. About 3 or so years ago Ryan came into the picture, he is Canadian (well he was born in the US but grew up in British Columbia) but lives in Seattle and works for Microsoft. How is that for a couple from Seattle for ya , Starbucks+Microsoft, it was a match made in heaven. Over the next year or so after Jen and Ryan bought their new house we spent many a Saturday night at their place BBQing and watching Hockey Night in Canada. Even though Ryan is a Canucks fan I thought he was a pretty cool guy. We were so happy for them when Jen called us last year to let us know that Ryan had "asked her to join team Ryan!"
The wedding and reception took place on The
Skansonia which is docked on Lake Union in Seattle with a beautiful view of the city. The ceremony was held at the front of the boat, it was a very intimate setting with a few rows of chairs and the rest of the people gathered around. It was short and sweet and in true Jen and Ryan fashion it was time to party:)

We had a great night, at one point I escaped upstairs where I found John and Kristen and their 2 little ones, Lauren and her baby sister Emily who was about 7 weeks. I ended up grabbing baby Emily up in my arms and kept her there for quite some time, I finally decided perhaps I should give her back to mom and dad.
After a night of dancing and visiting and the coolest wedding cake we headed off to help unload stuff at Jen and Ryans. By the time we made it back to Chris' parents house it was almost 4 am and we were beat.
Ok so as usual the pics are not posting well through here so I am going to go ahead and post them through hello below. Enjoy, any questions feel free to ask!
Great pictures but where are we?! Just kidding! I guess you will just have to come back for another visit so you can get one.
It looks like the wedding was simply beautiful! What a pretty place to have a wedding.
That was a pretty fun wedding. And the setting was beautiful. Again, it looks like you got way better photos than I did. Hmph...
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