So I know I am behind on my trip recap but in my defense blogger has been super lame this week. So bear with me as I try and get the rest blogged and pictures posted so I can once again go back to boring you with my daily ramblings:)
So to pick up where I left off I need to move on to Thursday the 14th. This was another day of traveling and visiting. We left a little later than we had hoped but we finally got on the road around 2pm. We headed south to Portland making only one quick stop for a latte from Starbucks. We arrived at David and Kellie's in Portland around 5:30 pm. David and Kellie are our friends from Boston who recently moved to Portland. It was nice to see them and see their beautiful new house. We had a wonderful dinner with them. David BBQed some New York steaks and veggies. It was YUMMY!
We left their house a little later than planned and didn't arrive at Tammy and Jeremy's in McMinnville till around 8:30pm or so. Tammy is an old friend of mine who I have not seen about 3 or so years and we had never met her husband Jeremy so it was nice to catch up and spend some time together. Speaking of T and J they are both in my thoughts and prayers today as Tammy was scheduled to be induced this morning. I am so excited to hear the good news and see pictures of their precious little one.
After our lovely visit with T and J we headed back to Seattle. It was another late night but worth it as we enjoyed good times with good friends.
The next day was a little more relaxed. In the afternoon we went to see our old friend Trish out in Tacoma. It was nice to see her and her family and catch up. Friday evening Andrea and the boys came over for supper before Andrea headed home and left the boys for a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpas. Fun times!
The boys (Chris, Bryan and dad) were supposed to go golfing Saturday morning but the rain had other plans. They were disappointed but what can you do. And of course because they didn't go golfing meant lots of time for Uncle Chris to entertain Gavin and Trevor:)
15 years ago
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