I know I talk a lot about weight loss, but that is one of the biggest things in my life right now. It's a struggle everyday to make the right choices. Even the little ones are so huge, like drinking water and not juice that is full of sugar or pop or whatever. I will say that not eating junk food is much easier for me than I thought it would be. I think mostly that is because when I was growing up my parents never bought a lot of chips, cookies and pop and stuff. Stuff like that was more of a "treat" for us on the weekends. Which is probably the biggest reason I was always very healthy and in great shape most of my life. So to make the decision now to not eat that stuff is not as hard as I imagine it is for some people. Where my problem lies is mostly within the meals that I eat. Now I cook dinner for us every night, but unfortunately sometimes when you are busy you go for the "quick" meals. Pasta always seems to fall into this category. Which we all know that too much pasta is the worst thing for someone trying to lose weight. I am losing weight, but once I start cooking healthier I know it will help so much more. Losing weight is a hard road to travel down, especially when there is negativity coming from certain people. Although maybe this negativity is in a way a good thing, maybe it drives me more to reach my goal and show people and myself that I can do this and I will do this. Another hard thing is that I think when a lot of people gain weight they sometimes lose some of who they used to be. I think for me that happened a little. I have always been known as the loud and outgoing person. I used to have so much confidence. But now I find myself less confident, much more quiet. I look forward to regaining my confidence, and refinding that outgoing person I have always been. Ok so that was a lot of rambling about weightloss. My apologies, but like I said it is a big part of who I am right now.
And here's to hoping we will have a new hard drive this week sometime and we will be up and running on a regular basis:)
15 years ago
You are on the right road, weight loss is not easy, and this comming from a guy. My pants are too tight, i feel like crapalot cause i walk up the stairs and i am pooped. I know how you feel, exept i am male and not female. But that does not make it any eisier...
Work at it, you will reach your goal,just make your goal reachable and not far fetched, one day at a time...
By the way, who makes you feel bad, big brother will kick there ass if he finds out.
Love ya sis,
what the frik is moontag music/ is that you stinky?
Love you Eve. It is tough going. I was there too once. Take it like Dave said, one day at a time, that's all you can really do. As for the porn, GROSS!
Yes well you both know very well how stubborn I can be, and my stubborness will not give up till this weight is gone. yeeehaw!!!
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