So I finally got what I have been asking for. All through December I complained it hadn't snowed enough. As we got into January the snow started coming more often. And then finally this weekend as I am sure most of you know, Massachusetts had one of the biggest winter storms in the states history. They said it would start snowing around 4 pm on Saturday, and sure enough it did. It continued to snow very heavy through the night and most of Sunday. When all was said and done there was 4 feet in some areas of the state. We had over 2 feet at our place. And because of the wind the snow in our backyard was waste deep and we had to dig our way out of it. After we got out of the yard we spent a good 2 hours digging out Chris's van which was also buried in snow. As bad as this may sound to some of you, especially those of you in Seattle, California and Vancouver it really wasn' least for me. Now don't get me wrong, there is a lot of freaking snow outside. But this is a regular thing in Edmonton and the air is much much colder. But it was and is stinkin cold outside, the wind is nasty. I will be sure to take some pictures of the snow in our backyard and stuff and post them just as soon as the computer is running better. Having said all that, it is supposed to snow more this week. WOOHOOO!
Oh and one more thing...yesterday was my Dad and Lynne's one year anniversary. For those of you who don't know who Lynne is.....she is my stepmom who my dad married last year. I have never met her (odd I know), but from what I hear she is wonderful. So congratulations to them:)
15 years ago
Snow, that like sucks....
I wait for new posts.
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