As most of you know ALIAS is my favorite TV show and Jennifer Garner is one of my favorite actresses. Chris was working yesterday at one of the Starbucks stores in Harvard Square in Cambridge and the girls working informed him that Jennifer Garner had been in earlier that day. If you need to know she had a soy latte of some sort. Anywho imagine my excitement at the thought that had Chris been there only hours earlier he could have met her. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised considering Ben Affleck is from here.
Grey's Anatomy was SO good last night. It was however a bit predictable but great regardless. I'm just mad we have to wait ALL summer to find out what happens with Merideth and McDreamy. Speaking of TV shows I was very sad to learn that Scrubs will not return till mid season again. I suppose it is good in a way considering that come January we will be able to watch it with no reruns. But still it's disappointing we have to wait that long.
I have a doctors appointment at the hospital this afternoon. I have been having these odd episodes for the last few months where I will feel lightheaded, weak and feeling like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I went to my doctor and she suggested I have some tests done to rule out anything to do with my heart. So I have this thing called a
holter monitor for 30 days.

Anytime I am feeling any symptoms I hold it to my chest and it records for 30 seconds and then I call and send the transmission of the ekg over the phone. Once it has been sent they send it to my doctor so they can check it out. It's kinda cool. Anyways the other test she ordered was an
echocardiogram which I go for today at 3pm. I am a little nervous just for the fact I even have to go for a test like this. But at the same time it will be cool cause I get to see my heart on the screen just like an ultrasound on a baby.
There you have it, that's my excitement for the day. I better go get ready.
Have fun with and take care of that heart of yours!!!
NO WAY! That would be the most awesome thing EVER! (To run into Jennifer Garner!) Trevor just told me, "One day I want to be a grown up and watch ALIAS!" I'm raising those boys right! Ha!
P.S Yes, Grey's Anatomy was AWESOME! Talk about a cliff hanger!
NOT FAIR! You'll have to tell me all about what happened! The sitcoms over here are super lame and just downright boring compared to G.A.!! Evey...sounds like you might need to refuse a few mondo fudge mocha lattes, even if they ARE free!! Too much caffeine can really play havoc with your heart! Keep me informed, ya hear??!! Cheers!
I had exactly the same symptoms about 2 years ago and discovered I was anemic (low iron in my blood). I take a supplement and the problem was solved.
I hope it is as simple of a solution for you.
I just read that Jen and Ben plan to spend the summer in Boston! I will be SO jealous if you run into them! ; )
Ugh! Heart problems suck. Once when I was sick I threw up so much I eneded up pinching a nerve in my chest and it gave me the same symptoms of a heart attack. My left arm went numb, my fingers turned blue and tingled, I had chest pains. So I got rushed to the hospital. Ten EKGs, two echocardiograms, one X-ray and a stress test later and they diagnoised the pinched nerve. Gave me nitroglycerin and it immediately cleared up. And I found out I have an irregular heartbeat which is normal for me.
Fun times, let me tell you! Good luck and I hope nothing is wrong!
Good luck with your test Evey. I hope everything is okay.
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