Our weekend started out pretty slow, Chris had to work Friday night and he was gone till almost midnight. I just chilled here with my doggy and watched the Carolina/Buffalo game. Saturday was a little on the crazy side, we had so much to do and we were having friends over that night. We got up Saturday morning and cleaned the house and did some much needed yard work. It has been raining so much the last month or so I haven't been able to get things done out there and start planting. Hopefully the sun stays out this week.
After we cleaned the house we headed to Walmart where we needed to pick up a few things. One of those things being a new pad for our bench we have outside. We actually found a nice one for only 14 bucks. We got a nice new futon cover on sale for 30 bucks, a new toilet seat and a bunch of other little stuff. After Walmart it was off to Costco. I love Costco, I really really do. You know those Air Wick scented oil air fresheners that you plug in. Well normally at the store one of those is like 4 bucks and that's only for the refill. The warmer itself is like 7 or 8. Anyways at Costco they had a 6 pack with 1 warmer for only 9.99. Of course I got them, what a deal. After that we headed to the grocery store and then then Petco. We spent the afternoon running around like chickens with our heads cut off.
Finally we made it home around 5:30. Chris got everything (bbq, chairs etc)moved into our driveway since we couldn't sit out on the grass because off the new grass we are trying to grow. Our friends Chris and Kellie and John and Kelli came over around 7. We had a yummy supper, bbq chicken, burgers, hot dogs, bake potatoes. After we ate we all sat around for a few hours talking, it was a very relaxing evening. Of course after everyone left I went inside to watch the Oilers game which I had on record.
Sunday we really didn't do too much until later in the day. Around 5 we decided to go for ice cream at a place called Cold Stone Creamery. We got a kick out of the t shirts the staff were wearing. "Friends don't let friends eat grocery store ice cream." It was SO good, I suggest if you have one near you that you go. For my friends in Canada I am sorry you don't have any. LOL Because it was the long weekend our neighbor's decided to have a HUGE party. They are from the Dominican Republic and I guess it was their mothers day. Anyways they had about 30 or more people over and since they don't have a yard decided to use the driveway behind their garage to have all their chairs, bbq's, tables etc. Our end of the driveway is ok because we are at the very end so we aren't in anyone's way. We don't like those neighbors very much , they are rude and obnoxious and really can't you go party somewhere where someone has a yard? Anyways......Our other neighbors in the house behind ours had a bunch of people over. But they have a yard and don't block everyone off. They had a much smaller gathering. Later in the evening Chris and I wandered over to their place (the ones we like) for a little visit. We ended up staying much later than planned. I don't know how some of those people stay up that late, I was so tired when I woke up Monday.
Monday our friends Jen and Alison were in town from Seattle. They were at a wedding in NH this weekend and flying back to Seattle this morning. So we met them at Anna's in Brookline for lunch yesterday. Anna's is our favorite place to go for burritos and stuff but we don't go nearly enough. It is so good! As Chris and I were standing there waiting for our burritos I glanced over at the guy standing at the cashier paying for his lunch. As I stared at him for a few seconds I realized I knew him. He was my old friend Des all the way back from high school and I haven't seen him in a super long time. I knew he had lived here before when he went to MIT but I had no idea he was back. He is here for another 3 years getting his PhD. It was so weird, total blast from the past. It was cool to see him though and we exchanged emails and stuff so hopefully we will be getting together soon with him and his girlfriend. After lunch we headed back into the city with Jen and Alison. We ended up at Faneuil Hall, went to the north end to have a cannoli at Mike's Pastries. If you have ever had a cannoli you will know what I am talking about when I say how rich it is. WOW, I had a hard time finishing mine. For those of you who don't know what it is it is basically cream filling wrapped in pastry with chocolate chips on it. After that we walked around some more and finally headed back to the car and came back here to our place.
We just hung out for a few hours grilled some burgers and that was that. They left around 9 and Chris and I just relaxed before we both zonked out. It was a HOT weekend too, and that just makes me so tired when I have been out in it all day. But thank God summer seems to be here and hopefully we can go a few weeks without the darn rain:)
As usual I had my camera with me the whole time and forgot to take any pictures. I did take one though of this tiny little bar in the north end.

When I first moved to Oregon, we went to the COLD STONE and I fell in love with the ice-cream. We haven't been back since though - it's too expensive.
I remember when I was in the Dominican Republic that my host family was celebrating Mother's Day on a different day as us. They even took me out for dinner that night, even though I wasn't a mother!
Sounds like your weekend went well! Great to hear.
Wow, when you were talking about the price of the airwick I thought what a geart price. Then I remembered you live in the states. Change that into canadian dollars and it just doesn't seem to be as much of a sale. Sounds like you've been busy.
I love Costco too. Rich is now addicted to going:)
Quite the busy weekend you had there. I hope you ate enough ice cream for me too. Grocery store version is the only option around here. :(
Sounds like you had a busy weekend, unlike mine. OOOOOHHHHH, don't talk about ice cream. It is totally my weakness. Did you ever hear of "My favorite Ice Cream Place?" That's what's it's called. I'm pretty sure it's in Cochrane, Alberta (at least it was back when we went there). That was when we lived in Calgary (years ago). Now THAT was a good ice cream place! But then again, I like ANY ice cream!
Glad to see you are back. The ice cream sounds delicious, all ice cream sounds delicious to me. Quite the eventful weekend. Nice to keep busy, though!
I love ice cream and it's about time you blogged again. We've missed all of your adventure. Keep them coming, on regular basis.
I LOVE Cold Stone!! I discovered it here in Vegas and I love it! It's so good, and I love how they sing when you tip them.
there's a similar ice cream store up here in canada too...it is called "marble slab"
Mom, MY FAVORITE ICECREAM PLACE is actually in Calgary off of Crowchild Trail. The one in Cochrane is MCKAYS I think!
We actually found Cold Stone to be very good prices. 5 bucks for a large HUGE waffle cone. At least 4 or more sccops in it.
And yeah Amanda is right, they have different diddys that they sing. One being when they get a tip, its cute.
Wow! You had a busy, fun weekend! That's great! We tried Cold Stone for the first time a couple months ago. We weren't big fans, I'm sorry to say. I don't really care for ice cream and you know Gavin...all those choices and half an hour later...he picks vanilla in a dish!
Andrea if your not an ice cream fan you dont get to have a negative opinion;)
Yummmmmy! Cold Stone Creamery has such creamy ice cream. I don't know if they have those here in AR, but I've gone there in CA and LOVED it.
It's getting hotter and hotter, which means it will be ice cream weather, and will NEED to eat ice cream on a regular basis just to cool down my core body temperature. :)
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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