Ok so first things first.....WOOOOOOHOOOO OILERS!!!! Won 4 games in a row after being down two games to none to WIN this series 4-2. I am so excited I am certain my neighbor's think I have lost it. Western Conference Finals baby!!!!!!!! First time in 14 years, I am so pumped!!

My test went alright the other day. Not much to tell really. It was pretty neat seeing my heart on the screen and hearing it beat and stuff. Although on the machine it sounds more like a washing machine, that was a little trippy. I think I will let Chris describe it though, he will do a much better job than me since he probably saw it much better than I did. I believe it was being reviewed by a cardiologist earlier today and then forwarded to my doctor who I have an appointment with next week. I am sure if there is anything of concern I will here from her before then.
Last night Chris and I went to see Mission Impossible 3. I was very impressed. It was a great movie. Lots and lots of action. We both really enjoyed it. Sadly 5 dollar movie Tuesday is over for the summer. BOOOOO!
I'm glad you test went okay, lets hope the results are the same!
Evey, I am very disappointed with you and Chris. How could you go see MI:3? We must not support Tom Cruise and his insanity, no no no!! :) I will not go see it no matter how much I want to witness Felicity kick some ass!
In my denfense I still think Tom is a crazy lunatic:) But I still like his movies. I have learned to seperate the two:)
defense rather. lol
The horn honking on our street would really drive your neighbours crazy! ;) I imagine they're really partying on Whyte Ave right now.
I didn't really have a desire to see MI3 until I saw a commercial that said, "By the creators of LOST and ALIAS!" So, naturally, how could I NOT see it and enjoy it!? I should probably see MI2, first, though...shouldn't I?
Actually I don't remember MI2 at all. You don't need to see either of the first two to enjoy or follow this movie. And yes J.J Abrams directed and helped write it.
Okay stupid question- is that you in the stands at the hockey game?
Second whew on the test. Glad it went okay. See I do stop by and read your blog ya know.
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