So I had an appointment with my doctor yesterday, she told me that my echocardiogram was fine. She said my heart looks and sounds very healthy. My blood work that I got done when I was there last time all came back good. She had thought I could be anemic but that all checked out fine. I still have my holter monitor till June 4th. After that she will get all the results of the EKG's and we will go from there and try and figure out what is happening when I get all those weird symptoms. I am just glad the echo was normal and now I don't have to worry about it anymore.
After my doctors appointment Chris and I set out on a mission to find me a new pair or running shoes. The ones I had were so uncomfortable and were killing my feet. We decided to check out
a few stores in the mall, one of them being Olympia Sports. I was certain I wouldn't find a pair I could afford in there. Most of what they sell are 80 dollar Nike's and adidas. And I just don't have that to spend on shoes right now. Chris is an adidas man, so is his brother. I am not so picky on brand name, I just want them to look good. Anyways they had a clearance sale and I found a pair of Reeboks in my size. I was very excited. They are super comfy and I think they look pretty good as well. And here is the best part, they were over 50% off and I got them for 24.99. They were regular 60 something.

What a fr

eaking hockey game last night. The chants of "WE WANT THE CUP" gave

me shivers. There was fights, goals and saves....oh the saves. I love Dwayne Roloson. I am certain I stopped breathing for the last five minutes! We took a 4-0 nothing lead in the 3rd with 3 of those goals coming in under 3 minutes. I was jumping around screaming like a crazy lady. Then I turned to Chris and said "you know if we can score 3 goals in under 3 minutes so can they!" And that they almost did with 3 in 4 minutes. GOOD GRIEF! So now it was a 4-3 hockey game, too close for comfort. But then good ol' Fernando scored to make it 5-3 and that was that....or so we thought as the Ducks scored a flukey goal with just over a minute to go to make it 5-4. But we held on and that's the important thing. The Oil now have a 3 games to none lead in this series and we can pretty much guarantee they are going to the Finals for the first time in 16 years. WOOOOOOOOOHOOOO! Sure teams can come back from a 3-0 deficit but it has only happened twice in the history of the NHL playoffs. The 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs and the 1975 New York Islanders. LETS GO OILERS!!!
When I first started dieting and working out in October I too needed new sneakers. I went everywhere to find an affordable pair and then finally found an awesome deal at Costco. I bought a pair of Adidas' for around $30 on sale. I was so happy! I am still wearing them today.
Why are you doing so many medical tests?
That's great news all around! Your running shoes are cool, too! I thought you were going to say that you got pink golf shoes! Trevor has been into rollerblading all over the house, lately. He said he wants me to get some pink rollerblades so we can all skate together!
P.S. I understand where you're at with the brand loyalty issue! Ha! I never cared about brand either, until Bryan came along! Now I just choose Adidas (or Puma) because I want him to be happy! Ha!
Bec's comment....I like Reebok too Evey.....
Your report of the game last night was awesome (as was the game - and the Oil!) Have you ever considered being a sports writer? you wol dbe very good at it!!
Hi there! It's me....Glenda (Dayna & Tammy's mom). I've been reading your blog lately and find your entries very interesting. I noticed that you have a holter monitor on these days. I had one of those on for 24 hours (that's all). That was long enough to determine that I have high blood pressure. I also notice that your an Oilers Fan! DUH! I don't follow hockey too much (except in the finals), but since I've lived in both Calgary and Edmonton at one point, I would cheer for either team. However, my choice would be the Flames. Sorry about that. Keep blogging & take care!
I'm glad everything is going well. A week after The Boy was born I had breathing problems. I had a bunch of tests including x-ray, EKG, CAT scan, leg ultrasound adn various blood tests. It was really scary. Then they found out I had really low iron, actually it was critical, I should have had a blood transfusion but I was scared fo that and promised I would take iron forever if need be. I will be praying for you as you await the rest of your results.
And I'm happy for the Oilers. I never thought I would be saying that.
YAY for the Oilers, what a great and intense game. The last period was almost too stressful for me to watch, but yay that they won again, just one more... at least for this series.
I'm so glad you're okay!! Has your doctor considered you might have asthma or some sort of breathing problem that could cause similar symptoms to a heart attack. That is what happened to me.
Oh and I LOVE the shoes! And though I am not following the cup series, I must admit, that game was pretty good!
Glad the heart is good. Love the runners, love the play by play.....have a great day!!!!
Hi there...I'm baaaaack!! Got home last evening and was wide awake at 4:00a.m. (that would be noon in the UK)! Anyway, I'm positively thankful that your tests are coming back negative...wait a minute!?! And those are great looking shoes! My favorites happen to be my Dr. Scholl's walking/running shoes as they have a cushion in the heel to absorb the stress. They are the most comfortable pair of tennies I have ever had! I'm excited to watch the OIL playoff game tonight - I just hope I can stay awake!! I think there will have to be a nap in there somewhere! SO glad to be home! Remember...we're off on our cruise on Sunday...we hope to see some whales :-) luvs McMum
So glad to hear all the tests came back good!
Wow Evey, I am so glad that your heart is okay. That is scary. I had to do some back reading to find out what was going on. I bet that it must have been agonizing to wait for the results! Our bodies are so weird sometimes but it is important that we listen to them!
Congrats on your new shoes- awesome deal!!!
And, I cannot believe that Syndey (or Jennifer LOL!) was in the Starbucks!!!!!! Would you have just died if you ran into her? I would have freaked out!!! Did she have her baby with her? I wonder if she will be seen around more now that she is taking a bit of a break. That is awesome!
i forget if you've posted the answer to this or not...but have they checked your thyroid? I'm sure they would have, but i know someone that was having racing heart issues and their thyroid was the culprit...
Where have you been. no new post since Wednesday. Miss your updates. Keep them coming.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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