Chris was on call this weekend so he ended up having to work for a bit on Saturday. I must have ate something or had a stomach bug because I spent all day feeling like I was going to lose my cookies at any minute. I think I avoided that though by swigging pepto from the bottle all day. We had planned to go over to Georgette and Tyrone's Sat night and we went anyways regardless of me feeling sick. I figured I was just going to lay down here watching TV so why not do it over at their place. Tyrone was actually out of town so it was just Chris and us girls. We ended up ordering BBQ from Red Bones. At first I wasn't going to eat cause I was afraid it would just make me sicker but I was so hungry and it looked and smelled so good. So I ate a little anyways and all was good, I lived to tell about it:)
As some of you know our dog Annabelle has issues upon meeting other dogs for the first time. This is sometimes a big headache especially when we are walking her. We don't really know what her issue is, she was 10 months old when we adopted her so we really have no idea of her background at all as she was a stray. The most logical answer is that it is a fear issue and she feels like she needs to protect herself (or us), but once she realizes there is no issue she is fine. Georgette and Tyrone have 2 Husky mixes and we thought last night would be a good night to take Belle over and introduce her to the girls. When we got there I think it was a bit overwhelming for her because we had her halti on and Chris was holding it tight so she couldn't open her mouth. Madison and Leah were all up in her business trying to figure out who this new dog was and why she was make such odd noises. LOL. We waited long enough for Belle to eventually calm down, Chris walked her around the house to let her sniff things out and eventually we took her leash off but kept her halti on. The Halti is NOT a muzzle it is something that is used for walking her. If she pulls it pulls her mouth shut and she doesn't pull. Last night it was effective in the sense that when we took her off her leash she was to preoccupied with getting her halti off that for a while she barely paid any attention to the girls. Eventually we took her halti off and the 3 dogs played together for the rest of the night. Running in circles, chasing each other up and down the stairs, wrestling etc. Belle can add 2 more doggie friends to her list. I just wish she could be just that and not have all the drama before hand.

Cute! I was hoping to see a picture of the halti! I'm still trying to figure that one out!
I spent Friday night cleaning up lost cookies (Gavin). I don't know what possessed me to eat vegetable beef soup with crackers right after that.
lol. B your nasty, thanks for that mental picture!
What cute looking dogs.
Hope you like the skor trifle recipe. Everytime I make it. People love it, so hope your friends enjoy it too!
Hey maybe the reason you feel sick, is cause you are...... :)hehehe
The ear thing is cute. It's neat how it's on opposite ears.
I haven't been sick in a long time, but I know that feeling of being sick and hungry at the same time. You are afraid to eat for fear of upchucking.
I'm glad you survived!! :)
I wish they had those halti things for kids. Dogs meeting for the first time isn't too unlike kids meeting for the first time - it can be exciting and frustrating. Glad you are feeling better. It sucks being sick
I am so happy for the Oilers, and I will admit I am a little surprised that they have made it so far, but I am pleasantly surprised! I love the dog pics, so cute.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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