We aren't sure where this little disgusting creature came from. You see he was not in a trap he was just laying dead in the corner of our hallway. I was sweeping when I came across it. I was thinking to myself "my that is a big clump of dust, how weird since I just swept yesterday." Upon looking further I realized it was not a dustball after all. I said to Chris who was standing in the kitchen "what the heck is that?" As he came over to look and realized that it of course was a dead mouse I started realize how grossed out I really was and I jumped about 10 feet in the air, threw the broom and ran screaming to the corner of the living room. I still have the heebie jeebies thinking about it. **SHUDDER** We think this must have been the little punk who set the trap off the other night but he didn't totally get stuck. So maybe it snapped on him and he got away and walked off to die in the corner from his injuries. YUCK! So anywho, not sure how many more we may or may not have. I guess we will find out. Hope you all enjoyed the picture.
I glad to see you got one. I really don't know how you deal with it, having them in your plcae. I hate having them in the garage. I hope you catch more. Happy hunting.
Eeew gross!
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Okay, I got the heebie jeebies too!
Possibly Belle played with it to death too...my cats used to do that, chase and bat it around until its little heart just gave out from fright. There was never a scratch on them, they just dropped dead!
It looka like he is holding something...what is it?
NASTY!!!!!! What I'm wondering is: where did the crayon come from? Did mousey draw you a picture?
He o.d'd on peanut butter.
Keep up the good work.
I see you guys like to color.
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