As I was checking my email this morning, sipping coffee I heard something that made me laugh. I had The Ellen DeGeneres show on in the background and Ray Romano was on. They were talking about American Idol and how he loves it. He went on to say that he had a tape of Canadian Idol sent to him so he could watch it and that he really likes it. He then went on to say "it's like American Idol with a sweater on." Sure made me laugh, perhaps it's because I am from Canada.
Speaking of sipping coffee I burnt my tongue good this morning upon my first sip. My coffee is never scalding hot like that, I don't know what happened.
15 years ago
I was watching Ellen today too! Did you see the part where she ate the shampoo on a ritz cracker? I sure hope someone put ranch or mayo in that bottle before the show! LOL
I actually like my coffee like that!! Sick, huh? :)
Ellen And Ray are always good for a laugh!
Burning the tongue is takes the joy out of everything delicious!
Happy Easter
Jodi - I did see that part. She makes me roll. I think she is a hoot.
Robin - I like my coffee hot, but burn my tongue off hot is too hot for me:)
Have a happy Easter! I hope the Easter bunny is good to you!!!
I love Ellen! I hate it when I burn my tongue on things . . . it ruins the taste of everything but sadly, does not keep me from continuing to eat! LOL!
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