It's playoff time and I love it. Not just because my team is in it, I just love playoff hockey. We have the hockey package NHL Centre Ice, so normally we get most of the NHL games. But last night the Edmonton/Detroit game wasn't on there because it was on stupid OLN. Dish Network doesn't have an agreement with them so they can't air the games when they are on OLN....STUPID! So anyways of course I didn't want to miss game 1 between Edmonton and Detroit so we went to
The Sports Depot to watch it. I am super glad I did, we ended up losing in double overtime but it was an exciting game. Dwayne Roloson (our goalie) was a monster and made 54 saves. WOWZERS! And 2 of the goals he did give up were totally flukey. Sure I am disappointed we lost, but it was only game 1. Lets go
OILERS!! The Avalanche (Chris's team) take on the Dallas Stars this afternoon in game 1 of their series. Go Avs!
It's kind of scary how much that post sounds exactly like my husband. He lives and breathes hockey, especially the playoffs. Three years ago we were on a carribean cruise, and he was obsessed with finding a tv that had some type of Oilers highlights. Um hello, you are on a tropical holiday remember? Oh well, I am glad that they made it to the playoffs once again!
You know that as soon as Bryan is able to start posting...it's going to be all about hockey! Ha!
Hey Andrea, tell Bryan that noone wants to read about the Calgary Flamers;)
Go Flames Go.
oh everyone wants to read about the flames...
I have never watched a hockey game in my life.
you would love it at my house, we have the same package but are about to switch to the ultimate sports fan package, apparently even more games. my team didn't make the playoffs but my family is still glued to the set.
our team that didn't make it was the leafs, i live in the gta. my kids are now rooting for montreal but they will watch whatever game is on.
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