Last night was our movie night. There wasn't really a lot playing this week so we ended up going to see Ice Age: The Meltdown. I wouldn't have paid full price for this one, but for 5 bucks you can't really go wrong. It was nothing special, but it was cute and funny.
Chris and I saw a couple get engaged at a Starbucks yesterday......Cute!!
We woke up this morning to a slushy wet mess outside. It snowed and rained for most of the day and it has been so darn gloomy the last few days. After such beautiful weather the last week or so it was disappointing. We sure felt the nip in the air when we took Belle for her evening walk tonight. Let's hope it clears up and the sun comes back out soon.
LOST was great tonight. I won't give anything away, I know a lot of you on the west coast etc have not seen it yet. I can't get enough of this show and I love how they leave you hanging every week, the suspense is exciting.
15 years ago
The best thing about those Ice Age movies are the trailers with the little squirrel.
The little squirrel is my favorite. And Andrea is IS a good movie, just not one I would have paid full price for in theatre.
I didn't even know that they had a new ice age movie but since I missed the first one I guess I'll skip this one too. Oh and I hear the weather is supposed to get better starting next week. At least in NY it is.
The Lumpy
We didn't care for the first Ice Age. Did you see that one? Was this one better? LOVE LOST, too! It was so good, as usual!
Too bad you left this area, it's been so nice here lately - at least in Oregon. I have been going around all week with tank-tops, flip-flops, and capris on. I LOVE IT OUTSIDE NOW! of the main reasons I didn't want to live in Vancouver or Seattle was the weather. I can't handle the gloomy weather all winter long, i would rather have snow but sunny.
Andrea, I did see the first Ice Age and we loved it. I dont think the sequel was better. Chances are if you didn't like the first you won't like this one.
Oh man, I would rather the rain than snow anyday. To each their own I suppose:)
Okay, Sterling and I are so mad because the last 5 minutes got cut off on our PVR!!! AGGGHHH! I need to know if Hurley jumps!! Sterling says he can download it so . . . I must wait impatiently.
Well then I won't tell you what happened;) You NEED to see the end of that episode.
I'm with you evey...I need the sun!
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