It is no secret that I love wine. In fact, I am currently sipping a glass as I type this. But, it wasn't always this way. In fact there was a time when I really, really disliked wine. There were times I would drink it when out with friends, but even then it wasn't really wine. It was some super fruity white zin, and let's be honest--that's NOT wine. I had always tried to like wine as a social thing but I just never could. I really hated it. But that all changed the day I met Chris's lovely Grandma.
It was an evening in 2002. Chris and I had only been dating a few months, and I was in Seattle visiting him for a weekend. We were having dinner with his parents and his grandparents (who I was meeting for the first time). As we sat down to dinner, there were a few different bottles of wine on the table and immediately glasses were being filled up. Grandma asked me if I would like some, and I politely declined stating I was not really a big fan of wine. But of course she insisted--and given this was the first time I was meeting her--I didn't want to be rude. I reluctantly said yes, and as we were eating and chatting I choked my way through that first glass. Of course just as soon as it was empty Grandma was filling it up. Again--I didn't want to be rude. By the time I was done eating and finishing my third glass of wine I excused myself from the table. As I headed downstairs to see Chris (who was downstairs with his nephews) he took one look at me and said, "what is wrong with you?!?!" My eyes were glossy and my face was flushed! All I could say was, "your grandma got me drunk!" True story. If you are not a wine drinker, wine can hit you fast and hard. Funny thing is I never realized in that moment the favor that Grandma had done for me.
Sitting here almost 10 years later it amazes me that there was ever a day that I didn't like wine. It was definitely an acquired taste. Much like coffee and beer. The truth is, marrying in to this family I really never had a chance. Chris's uncle Kevin is the VP of Vineyards for a large winery conglomerate in Eastern, WA. I don't remember a family event since I showed up that didn't include wine.
Over the past 10 years I have learned more about wine that I ever thought I would. Even today I would love to take a course or two and learn even more. For those non wine drinkers out there that may sound silly to you, but the truth is there is so much more to wine than just pouring a glass and drinking it. How it is made, what pairs with what, how long it has aged and so on. It is all very interesting to me.
Last year Chris and I had a weeks holiday down in Northern California in the heart of wine country. It was amazing. We went to so many wineries while we were there and tasted so many different wines. It was so much fun. A trip I won't soon forget. Most recently we had a family wine tour weekend out in Eastern WA and it was a blast.
I am not really a big white wine fan or sweet wines. My favorite wine is Syrah with Cab Sav being a close second. You can usually find me sipping a glass while eating dinner, in the tub or hanging out with Chris on the couch while watching TV in the evening. I have definitely learned that you should never assume you don't like something. Give things a chance, you just never know what you might be missing.
Yay for wine! I can't believe it's been so long since I had a glass! There's a post of it's own, all right...
P.S. You never even mentioned the boxes. What gives? ;)
Ah wine. I heart you so. When I first started drinking wine it was Reislings and reds were so foreign to me. Now, I prefer a red, most often Pinot Noir, and it loves me right back.
So true. Always try something, whatever it is before you dismiss it.
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